It is possible to change the name of a company at any time after incorporation. There are two ways of doing this:
The first option is for the company to pass a special resolution either at a formal meeting, where the members (representing not less than 75% of the total voting rights of eligible shares) vote on the name change, or if you are unable to hold a formal meeting, the members may agree to change the name of the company by a written resolution.
Further information about resolutions can be found at “Resolutions” (Companies Act 1985 or Companies Act 2006) guidance at .
A signed copy of the resolution containing the new company name needs to be sent to the Registrar of Companies together with the appropriate fee.
An amended copy of the articles of association with the change of name resolution is also required. Assuming the new name and documents are acceptable, Companies House process the resolution and will issue a new Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name.
The second option allows for the company directors to change the name of the company. This can be done provided that the company directors withhold the right to change the company name without needing to consult their shareholders. If this is the case, the directors would need to complete a NM04 form and submit it to Companies House and submit it together with the appropriate fee.
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