Directors Service Address Service

Why use a service address service?

UK company information is available on the public register, as part of this information a requirement is to provide a correspondence address for Directors. The address appears on public records and is easily accessible by the general public.

Our Directors Service address Service is beneficial for:

  • Businesses operating from home who would like to keep their residential address private (or another address that you would rather not make public).

Not only does our service enable you to use our London address as your correspondence address, it also includes the forwarding of all correspondence from Companies House and HMRC to the address of your choice. Any statutory mail that we receive will be forwarded to you within 48 hours.


  • Ensure that your residential address does not appear on the public register.
  • All Companies House and HM Revenue & Customs mail will be sent onto you within 48 hours.
  • No additional hidden costs (all Companies House and HM Revenue & Customs mail up to £59.99 is included).